Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....

7 days ago
7 days ago
Listener discretion is advised for younger ears, as todays show is designed for a mature audience only. In today's testimony we are going reveal the truth about human trafficking that is happening with young women in the USA. Human trafficking is a form of slavery that exists right here in America, and Sex Trafficking is when women are being held by coercion or force to perform commercial sexual acts. Why are we talking about this? Because this is a heinous evil, and the lives of people living under this form of abuse is truly atrocious, and needs to be revealed. We as the body of Christ need to be aware of the evils that are happening amongst us, and we need to learn how we are going to set the captives free. Today, we are going to have Jean Davis, who first started off willfully becoming a prostitute, but then it quickly turned into human sex trafficking, and she could barely get out. She tried to kill herself, but one day, she got delivered, and when she found Jesus, she discovered healing that was beyond wounds. Jean, welcome to the show.

Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
Tuesday Mar 11, 2025
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the fact that the majority of LGBTQ + members in the USA were raised as Christians. In some demographics, it is as high as 87% of LGBTQ+ members were raised as Christians. How can that be with the bible clearly warning against homosexuality and sexual immorality? Could this movement be something that was encouraged by Christianity? Or is it more of a response or rebellion to Christianity? Today, we will have Luis Javier Ruiz, who grew up in the church, but stared resenting going to church, and later on in life, he believed he was a homosexual and fell away from his faith. But as life went on, he experienced a horrific moment in his life, where he was in the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting, where Omar Mateen, a US Muslim extreme terrorist opened fire and killed 49 people and wounded 53. Luis is going to detail out his life of how he left his childhood faith, came out as homosexual, but then after the pulse shooting, he discovered that Jesus Christ is real. Let's find out what happened. Luis, welcome to the show.

Monday Feb 17, 2025
Monday Feb 17, 2025
Today we are going to talk about what the fact that thought Christianity is growing in India, it isn't growing as much compared to Hinduism, or other religions like Islam. But what happens when a Hindu does become a Christian? And why would a Hindu want to become a Christian? Today, we will have Ganesh Venkataramanan share with us how he grew up in India as a brahmin, and his family was a devout Hindu family, and so therefore he also practiced polytheism, which is the worship of many gods. He is going to contrast his experience as a Hindu in the past, compared to how he became a Christian today, and share with us his spiritual journey and understanding.

Monday Feb 10, 2025
Monday Feb 10, 2025
In today's testimony we are going to talk about reasons why people become Atheists. And there are a lot of reasons why people become atheists, from people believing there is a lack of evidence of their being a God, to believing that science has answers to everything. But today, we are going to laser in and talk about one of the main reasons people become atheists, is the existence of evil in this world. Many are perplexed why a good God would allow so much evil in this world. And when a person personally experiences that evil, naturally, many become atheists. Today, we will have Zach Teasdale, who was raised in a hyper religious Christian family, but when his mom rebelled, and her life fell apart, Zach was born into a world of chaos and poverty, where life became very difficult for him. He is going to share how he became an atheist, and eventually became a drug dealer, and lived a survival of the fittest mentality on the streets.

Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Hi This is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the
Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had
real problems, but found answers in a Real God. today we will be talking
about the likeliness that a child will start into drug use and addiction earlier if they see their parents doing the same thing. Here is the truth, when parents use drugs, their kids become more vulnerable to addiction. And what happens when somone's life starts off in a bad direction? Is there any hope? Well, today we will have Rebecca Jones with us to share with us how she had a parent that was a drug addict and partier, and she is going to share with us how she ended up the same way, until Jesus came into her life and flipped the script. Rebecca, welcome to the show.

Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
In today's testimony we will be talking
about the fact that many muslims are encountering Jesus through dreams, near death experiences, and visions, and many of them as a result, are becoming devout Christians. Now, just in case you didn't know, it is against the Islamic moral code for a Muslim to ever become another religion, especially a Christian. So this conversion is not an easy one to happen, yet many are making this decision. So much so that some Islamic teachers had to address this for other muslims, so as to invalidate their experiences. But what are their experiences? Today, we will have Mohmmed Ajhas, who was a Muslim who grew up in a muslim closed society in India, and he is going to share with us his experience of discovering, that Jesus Christ was God and not Allah. Let's hear his story.

Monday Dec 30, 2024
Monday Dec 30, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether drugs and drug addiction is genetic, or simply life choices. Some wonder, was I born a drug addict? And others label drug addicts as like a subtype of people, looking at them in a way, and saying, Oh, those types of people. But what type of people get addicted to drugs? and it is genetic, or is it people's choices. Well, today, we will have someone who normally wouldn't be prone to drug addiction, found himself in drug addiction through what he says, a set of poor choices that led him to a horrible situation where he nearly died from a stab wound to his right eye at a party.

Monday Dec 23, 2024
Monday Dec 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how muslims deal with depression, anxiety, and mental health, and we will have someone who was formerly muslim spill the beans how she was told to deal with the depression and anxiety she had through the lens of Islam. Did you know that muslim Americans have higher rates of depression and anxiety than other minority groups, and may be 2 times as likely to attempt suicide than other religious groups. Why is that? Well, today, we will have Samira Marikh, who dealt with a lot of mental anguish in her life, and how she struggled finding answers in her community who was muslim. She searched and searched, and today, she is going to tell us what she found, or didn't find.

Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about whether or not a marxist Atheist can receive Christ as their Savior or not. Why would it be hard for a marxist to accept Jesus? Well, a marxist is raised and groomed to believe that Religion is the opium of the people. What is Karl Marx saying when he says that? As we know, Opium is a drug, and help to relieve pain and suffering and maybe mental anguish. But it is a temporary band aid, that will cause more problems than answers in the long run. Karl Marx said that "Man makes religion, religion does not make man." Do you think that could be true? Well, today, we will have Sy Garte, who grew up as an avid Marxist, but today, he professes that those ideologies were brainwashed manmade ideas, and today, he has encountered the living God, and is a believer today. Sy, welcome to the show.

Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Listener Discretion is advised, as we will be talking about mature subjects that have content that have a sexual nature, and are intended for a mature audience only. In today's testimony we are going to talk about the fact that many in the sex industry, from strippers to prostitutes, deal with greater mental health issues. Why is that? Is there a spiritual component to those working in the sex industry, And could Jesus provide an answer to help people to leave that industry? The answer is a solid yes, but we will discover that by having Andrea Huertas with us, who was a former stripper at a very high end club servicing celebrities, and she is going to share with us the spiritual component, where she believes for her, that she invited demonic spirits that led her to this industry, and used her in that industry. Today, Andrea has given her life to Christ, and has been set free from the sex industry, but she is going to share with us the truth about what was really going on in the past and how she found Jesus as her Savior. Andrea, welcome to the show.