Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Former bulimic: The addiction became controlling. Nancy Wilson full show with Anh Le
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to be talking about eating disorders, and how destructive they can be in the lives of people. Today, Nancy Wilson will be telling us her story of how an eating disorder crept into her life in a wink of a moment when she was 19 years old, and she had that secret for many years trying to look better by unhealthy means. She struggled specifically with bulimia, where she would purge food she ate in order to lose calories and get skinnier. The eating disorder really took a toll on her life, and she is going to share how damaging the disorder was, but also how she overcame it through faith in Christ.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony, we are going to talk about the realities of sexual abuse. Yes, it is a very uncomfortable thing to talk about, but it is something that is happening to victims all over the world. Today we will have Morgan Bryan who is going to share of her experience with sexual abuse from a close family member. Her heart is to share something so vulnerable in order to help someone else who may be going through the unthinkable.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about what it is like for a jihadist from Iran to convert to Christianity. As we know, with Sharia law, which is the law in many muslim countries such as Iran, it is illegal for a muslim to convert to Christianity and is punishable by death. However, there are many who take that route despite the risk of losing their lives. Today on our show, we have Mohamad Faridi who was a jihadist before he knew Christ, and he is going to tell us of his journey from being a devoted muslim to becoming a devoted Christ follower.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony, we are going to talk about mental illness and the mental anguish someone can go through to the point of wanting to commit suicide. Now this show is intended for a mature audience, so listener discretion is advised. Mental illness can be a very difficult thing for people to deal with in their lives, and 26% of Americans deal with mental illness at some time in their lives. Today on our show, we will have Millie Joy Radosti, who dealt with a lot of mental illness growing up as a child, and began cuttting herself and had thoughts of suicide as she grew up. She is going to talk about her dark journey, but how she found relief in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Former New Age: I was a Kundalini Yoga Guru. Mike Shreve full show with Anh Le
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to be talking about whether Christians should be doing yoga or not, and we are going to look more into the facts of yoga by talking to a former guru of Kundalini Yoga and asking him what he thinks. Today on our show we will have Mike Shreve, who was a Kundalini Yogo Guru who was running a Yoga Ashram, and had 300 students that considered him to be a great Guru. A yoga ashram is a place for practicing yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices that some are seeking to evolve and grow spiritually.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to be talking about the power of a broken family to perpetually continue destroying the lives of children right into their adulthood. What is the answer to this problem, as broken families and divorce plague our society, and often causes economic and social issues for kids that can change their lives forever. Of course, not every family suffers this way in a broken family, but today we will have Michael Dow with us who grew up in a broken family that made him susceptible to making some poor decisions in his life as he became a drug user and a drug dealer. But he had something amazing that changed his life forever.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Former Gang member: They killed his mom. Michael Deleon full show with Anh Le
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how drug use and abuse can be simply someone bandaging deeper hurts. You are going to hear a story that will make you realize that one wound left open in your heart, can lead to a life of complete damage, and damaging lives around you. We are going to have Michael Deleon who grew up in a good family, but one thing that was undealt with in his heart that caused an emotional wound, spun out of control into a full blown drug addiction riddled with crime and danger.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Former Witch: I practiced Santeria Witchcraft. Maura Cruz full show with Anh Le
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about if witchcraft is just a harmless superstition practice, Or if there is something really dangerous about opening up the door to the spirits involved in witchcraft, specifically Santeria witchcraft. Maura Cruz Lanz who practiced Santeria and she became a medium, which is a person who is known to make contact with the world of spirits. She is going to tell us what she discovered as a witch and why she is no longer one.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about falling into the trap of always chasing after love, and then falling into the pit of not finding it and being used and abused. This is not everyone's story, but it is the story for Mary Priddy, who will be on our show and will share how she was living life in the system of foster care, and never felt love, so she went out looking for it and found only deceit and lies that led her to a life addicted to drugs and prostituting herself much of her young life.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the reality of serious alcohol abuse and how some use it to numb their deeper feelings of pain and suffering. We will be interviewing Lisa Medina, who lived a tough life dating gangsters and tough guys, but ended up in a lifestyle of verbal, emotional, and physical abuse, that led her to a life of alcohol abuse that often brought her to a place of recklessness and endangering her life, and the lives of others.