Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to be talking about how to respond to heinous evil crimes committed against us. Honestly, it is so easy to immediately desire to get revenge when someone wrongs us isn't it? Even it is isn't a crime, Someone messes with us, and our normal response can be like, How dare you? We feel dignified to try to get justice in some way, and we sometimes can take wrong steps and try to get justice on our own. But what if the Lord asked you to forgive your enemies to such an extreme level, that it shocked you? Today we will have Linda Markowitz who is a minister of the Gospel, but as she was ministering, she was given the news that her daughter was shot 28 times by her boyfriend.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about drug addiction, and how is it that people get involved with something that though despite it being well known that illegal drugs is highly addictive and has a one way street to destruction to ones life, people still use it. Today we will have liberty crouch Taylor who is going to be sharing her life story of how she was addicted to drugs like Crack cocaine and methamphetamines, and how she couldn't get truly away from those addictions until she had an encounter with Jesus Christ.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the reality of girls being raped, and how damaging of a role it can play in a teenage girl's life. Most rape victims don't say anything and do something because of something called self-blame, where they blame themselves for the rape occurrence. This behavior often tends to slow down the process of healing, and today in our show, we will have Kyndra Valceschini, who will tell us of how rape shaped her entire relationship lifestyle from 15 until adulthood.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony on the show we are going to talk about mental illness. Why does a good God allow these things to occur? We are going to talk to someone who had bipolar disorder, and actually wanted to end her own life because of how horrible it was, but then God touched her life.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the reality and difficulty of the life of someone who was sex trafficked in America. Today, we are going to have Kate Wedell who had dreams of being famous in Hollywood for her music, but ended up being sex trafficked and eventually living a horrible life riddled with drugs, abuse, and prostitution.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how faith can help someone out of feeling worthless, and having no value. We all have the need to feel like we have value and worth, and that we are special in our own unique way. But sometimes it is hard to realize your value, and that problem can be worse if you grow up in an abusive situation where you are constantly told you have no value. Today on our show, we will have Kari Stephens Perkins, who grew up being told that she would never amount to anything, and she lived a very dark lifestyle in shame and guilt. She is going to share with us how bad it got, and what happened with her faith to help her to get better.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony, we are going to talk about how someone's bad childhood can sometimes lead someone in a path of life that maybe more destructive to ones life. Before we continue, listener discretion is advised as some of things we will be talking about are for mature audiences only. We will be interviewing Juan Ayala, who had a lot of turmoil in his life growing up through being a victim of molestation and other dysfunctional patterns in the family, and he didn't know what to do with that pain. Later on in life, he discovered drugs as a means to cope, and he kept running into more trauma, as he had to go to prison for some bad decision making. He lived a life in and out of prisons, and when he wasn't in prison, he lived a lifestyle of lascivious living, drugs, parties, and bisexual sex. But one day, God changed it all. You are about to hear a wild testimony.
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk to someone who had bisexual desires, and lived a crazy life of drugs, partying, and living a life of 3-somes. Joshua Berglan is going to share with us all of some of the enormity of a sex life he had, but his life got into so much trouble, that he ended up in jail multiple times, and eventually hit a rock bottom in a psych wing in jail with HIV.
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Friday Sep 20, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about drug addiction and talk about if there is a spiritual component to drug addiction. Often when we hear about drug addiction, we think about the chemical realities of substance abuse, but do you ever wonder if there is a spiritual component to illegal drugs? Today in our show, we will hear from Josh Brown, who believes there is a spiritual component to his past drug addiction, and getting his spiritual life correct helped him to be delivered from his dire situation.
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Former New Age: The truth about Yoga. Joseph Peter full show with Anh Le
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Friday Sep 20, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to be talking about New Age, shamanism, and Kundalini Yoga and how these practices are weaving themselves through American culture. It is known that movies such as Avatar, where animism and shamanism is promoted on a wide scale, is promoting ideas and beliefs such as these. Animism is the attributing of a soul to inanimate objects, plants, and other things in nature. Shaman's are believed to have healing powers through the summoning of spirits of ancestors. Kundalini Yoga is believed to have powers to heal oneself through releasing power from the spine. But is there truth in all these beliefs? Today we will have Joseph Peter, who was a teacher of Kundalini Yoga, a Shaman who summoned spirits through the use of crystals, and he is going to share with us how he got there, and how today he is a full fledged Christian that has found out the truth.