Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
In today's testimony we have been talking about the drug problem in New York City, where cocaine traffickers are moving tons of kg of cocaine throughout NY, and it is a very big business with so much money in it. There are Columbian, Dominican, and Mexican Drug Trafficking
Organizations or DTO's operating in NY, and much of the drugs coming through NY are imported from these organizations. But can someone from one of these DTO's have a changed life in Jesus Christ Well, in our last show, Herman Mendoza shared with us how be got into gangs at the age of 13, and was a very troubled youth, and he shared with us how he started taking heavy drugs like cocaine and heroine after his gang friend was shot to death by a rival gang. Today, he is going to share with us how he got into one of these Drug trafficking organizations, and how bad it really got inside that organization. Herman, welcome back to the show.
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the drug problem in New York City, where cocaine traffickers are moving tons of kg of cocaine throughout NY, and it is a very big business with so much money in it. There are Columbian, Dominican, and Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations or DTO's operating in NY, and much of the drugs coming through NY are imported from these organizations. But can someone from one of these DTO's have a changed life in Jesus Christ? Well, today we will have Herman Mendoza who was part of one of these organizations early on in his life, and then got out of it and later on became an assistant pastor. We are going to hear his wild story, as he tells all what he went through as a young teenager. Herman, welcome to the show.
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
In today's testimony we have been talking about how most people in this world are seeking confidence, and how self confidence is one of the most sought out for things in life. But in truth, is Confidence the most valuable asset someone can attain in life? And what happens when someone becomes too self confident? In our last show, we had Josh Hitt describe how he grew up in a good home, where he discovered that he had very good athletic abilities that gave him a lot of self confidence. He talked about how his whole life revolved around building more confidence by winning and focusing on being better than others, until one day, that confidence failed, as he started feeling depression creep into his life. He is going to talk more about that, and how eventually, he turned to something greater than him in order to overcome his struggles. Josh, welcome back to the show.
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how most people in this world are seeking confidence, and even Forbes magazine talks about confidence as if it were a superpower. Is Confidence the most valuable asset someone can attain in life? And what happens when someone becomes too self confident? Today we will have Josh Hitt, who is a young man who grew up with many amazing physical talents and abilities that gave him such a huge confidence, that he could walk into any situation and he believed he could figure it out. However, he is going to talk about his personal experience how self confidence alone failed him, and how he discovered faith in Christ as a young man changed his life for the better. Josh, welcome to the show.
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
In today's testimony we have been talking about parapsychology, which
is where people get into the study of esoteric things, and its all part
of studying psychics and paranormal activity. You know, many people
are getting into new age, and practicing acts like Lucid dreaming,
seances, Astro projection, which are all things that are mentioned in
scripture for mankind not to engage in. But what happens when someone
doesn't listen, and they go down that pathway. In our last show we had Steven Bancarz with us, and he shared how he grew up in a Christian family, but later on started believing in many other types of beliefs like reincarnation, Astro projection (where he was having out of body experiences), and lucid dreaming. He was learning a lot of new age type of beliefs, started studying paranormal activity and psychic activity, so much so that he had an encounter with a type of being that he was told was a native American spirit in his family from his past. He told us that he has since learned that these encounters were demonic, and today he is going to reveal to us more why he believes that. Steven, welcome back to the show.
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about parapsychology, which is where people get into the study of esoteric things, and its all part of studying psychics and paranormal activity. You know, many people are getting into new age, and practicing acts like Lucid dreaming, seances, Astro projection, which are all things that are mentioned in scripture for mankind not to engage in. But what happens when someone doesn't listen, and they go down that pathway. Today, you will hear from Steven Bancarz, who made hundreds of thousands of dollars being a teacher and experiencer in parapsychology, and was a YouTube influencer in these practices, until he found the original root of it, that today he says is completely demonic. Let's lean in and understand why he came to that conclusion. Steven, welcome to the show.
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
In today's testimony we have been talking about how drugs like crystal meth can be so destructive to a person's life, that it completely changes someone from the inside out. Did you know there is quite a popularity with Crystal Methamphetamine's and it is known as the
clubbing drug. This drug is so addictive, and after awhile, the user will start experiencing bad symptoms of paranoia, anxiety, violent behavior, and insomnia. And in our last show, Eliot Morgan shared how he first used ecstasy, but then went to cocaine, and then crystal methamphetamines. He talked about the journey how he ended up selling ecstasy and cocaine to help him support the meth addiction, and he was always seeking the next high. He talked about not being able to quit when he tried, and today he is going to talk about how he got set free from Jesus. Eliot, welcome back to the show.
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
In today's testimony we have been talking about how drugs like crystal meth can be so destructive to a person's life, that it completely changes someone from the inside out. Did you know there is quite a popularity with Crystal Methamphetamine's and it is known as the
clubbing drug. This drug is so addictive, and after awhile, the user will start experiencing bad symptoms of paranoia, anxiety, violent behavior, and insomnia. In our last show, Eliot Morgan shared how he started on his drug journey by hanging out with friends, but his life was like a hole he was trying to fill after his parents divorced and his mother left the household. Eliot was left feeling abandoned and rejected, and found acceptance with friends at raves who were doing ecstasy, and after awhile of resisting taking the drugs, he finally caved in and fell in love with the drug. Today he is going to talk about this be the catalyst of him smoking crystal meth, and it nearly destroyed his life. Eliot, welcome back to the show.
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how drugs like crystal meth can be so destructive to a person's life, that it completely changes someone from the inside out. Did you know there is quite a popularity with Crystal Methamphetamine's and it is known as the clubbing drug. meaning young and old people take this when they go to the clubs, and the drug causes such a high that lasts sometimes over 12 hours. This drug is a very potent drug, that can be snorted, inhaled through glass pipes, or even injected, and the drug is putting a lot of lives in danger. Today, we will have Eliot Morgan with us, who was born and raised in a Christian family, but then after something traumatic happened, he ended up finding himself in a world of drugs trying to mask the hidden pain in his life. Eliot, welcome to the show.
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the meaning of life, and provide evidence for the answer to one question, is the pursuit of pleasure the ultimate meaning of life? A lot of people would say so. That the point of life is to work hard, seek fun things to gain pleasure. Seems common sense right? According to neuroscientists, the human mind is wired to seek rewards for evolutionary purposes, and things that signal to the brain as pleasurable is how the human mind is made for the survival of mankind. Now, yes, we all seek pleasure to some sort of degree, and that is normal, but what happens when that reward system in the brain gets locked onto the wrong thing? Today, we will have Mickyle James Eshelman on our show who just wanted to live a happy life, and then in his pursuit of that, somehow fell into heroine addiction, and his sole purpose in life was to do anything to get that next high. But today, he has been set free from this addiction, and discovered the true meaning to his life. Mickyle, welcome to the show.