Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
In today's testimony we have been talking about drug addiction, and how is it that people get involved with something that though despite it being so well known that illegal drugs are highly addictive and have a one way street to destruction in ones life, people still manage to use it. In our last show, we had liberty crouch taylor who shared about the difficulties she grew up with, where there was molestation from babysitters when she was younger, and it left her feeling rebellious towards anyone in authority. By the age of 12, she was already getting involved with drugs, like marijuana, alcohol, then later cocaine, crack coccaine, and then a full blown addiction to methamphetamines. She described how that addiction was fun at first, but then led her to a life full of problems and issues, where she was beaten by an abusive boyfriend, who left her bloodied on the side of the road after an altercation. Miraculously, though she was estranged from her family, the altercation happened near her father's house, and she was able to see her father after a very long time. She was able to stay with him, and she found sobriety, but she also found a life stricken with fear and paranoia.
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
In today's testimony we have been talking about drug addiction, and how is it that people get involved with something that though despite it being so well known that illegal drugs are highly addictive and have a one way street to destruction in ones life, people still manage to use it. In our last show, we had liberty crouch taylor who shared about the difficulties she grew up with, where there was molestation from babysitters when she was younger, and it left her feeling rebellious towards anyone in authority. By the age of 12, she was already getting involved with drugs, like marijuana, alcohol, then later cocaine, crack coccaine, and then a full blown addiction to methamphetamines. She described how that addiction was fun at first, but then led her to a life full of problems and issues, where she was beaten by an abusive boyfriend, who left her bloodied on the side of the road after an altercation. Miraculously, though she was estranged from her family, the altercation happened near her father's house, and she was able to see her father after a very long time. She was able to stay with him, and she found sobriety, but she also found a life stricken with fear and paranoia.
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
In today's testimony we are going to talk to someone who had bisexual desires, and lived a crazy life of drugs, partying, and living a life of 3-somes. Joshua Berglan is going to share with us all of some of the enormity of a sex life he had, but his life got into so much trouble, that he ended up in jail multiple times, and eventually hit a rock bottom in a psych wing in jail with HIV.
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
In today's testimony we are going to talk to someone who had bisexual desires, and lived a crazy life of drugs, partying, and living a life of 3-somes. Joshua Berglan is going to share with us all of some of the enormity of a sex life he had, but his life got into so much trouble, that he ended up in jail multiple times, and eventually hit a rock bottom in a psych wing in jail with HIV.
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
In today's testimony we are going to talk to someone who had bisexual desires, and lived a crazy life of drugs, partying, and living a life of 3-somes. Joshua Berglan is going to share with us all of some of the enormity of a sex life he had, but his life got into so much trouble, that he ended up in jail multiple times, and eventually hit a rock bottom in a psych wing in jail with HIV.
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
In today's testimony we have been talking about the occult, about satanic witchcraft, right here happening in America. Listener discretion is advised as some of the things we will be talking about are intended for mature audiences only. Honestly, satanic witchcraft is celebrated in our culture as if it is something that is entertainment,
and is something that is good for young people today. But what is the
reality of all of that? In our last show we had Christa Hernandez-Coon tell us how when she was younger, she was raised by her father, who posed as a pastor, but really was a high priest of the occult. She described
being offered as a bride of Satan, and how she was offered to Satan, and
was to be a servant of men. As she grew older, her father introduced her to become a bartender which became the entrance way to being a stripper. From there her life was plunged into human trafficking when she was allured to the group with the enticement of making more money. They used blackmail and coercion in order to keep her selling her body for them. Today she is going to talk about how she got away from them.
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
In today's testimony we have been talking about the occult, about satanic witchcraft, right here happening in America. Listener discretion is advised as some of the things we will be talking about are intended for mature audiences only. Honestly, satanic witchcraft is
celebrated in our culture as if it is something that is entertainment, and is something that is good for young people today. But what is the reality of all of that? In our last show we had Christa Hernandez-Coon tell us how when she was younger, she was raised by her father, who posed as a pastor, but really was a high priest of the occult. She described being offered as a bride of Satan, and how she was offered to Satan, and was to be a servant of men. As she grew older, her father introduced her to become a bartender which became the entrance way to being a stripper. From there her life was plunged into human trafficking when she was allured to the group with the enticement of making more money. They used blackmail and coercion in order to keep her selling her body for them. Today she is going to talk about how she got away from them.
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
In today's testimony we have been talking about the occult, about satanic witchcraft, right here happening in America. Listener discretion is advised as some of the things we will be talking about are intended for mature audiences only. Honestly, satanic witchcraft is
celebrated in our culture as if it is something that is entertainment, and is something that is good for young people today. But what is the reality of all of that? In our last show we had Christa Hernandez-Coon tell us how when she was younger, she was raised by her father, who posed as a pastor, but really was a high priest of the occult. She described being offered as a bride of satan, and how she was offered to Satan, and was to be a servant of men. As she grew older, her father introduced her to become a bartender which became the entrance way to being a stripper. From there her life was plunged into human trafficking when she was allured to the group with the enticement of making more money. They used blackmail and coercion in order to keep her selling her body for them. Today she is going to talk about how she got away from them.
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Former Satanist: I Tried to become God. Carl Weyant, Episode 2 of 2. with Anh Le
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
In today's testimony we will be talking about Luciferianism and how followers of this religion view Lucifer depicted in the bible as the devil, instead as a symbol of enlightenment and power. And today we will have Carl Weyent who was heavily involved in Hollywood, and he will tell us of his journey through many religions that eventually led him to Luciferianism, and will shed some light on his beliefs in the past.
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Former Satanist: I Tried to become God. Carl Weyant, Episode 1 of 2. with Anh Le
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we will be talking about Luciferianism and how followers of this religion view Lucifer depicted in the bible as the devil, instead as a symbol of enlightenment and power. And today we will have Carl Weyant who was heavily involved in Hollywood, and he will tell us of his journey through many religions that eventually led him to Luciferianism, and will shed some light on his beliefs in the past.