Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
NDE: He died and encountered Jesus. Kevin Zadai full show with Anh Le
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about what happens when someone dies. I am 100% sure you have pondered this question, and have wondered what happens REALLY, when someone dies. I am sure you have thought about these thoughts for yourself. So far, there is no scientific proof of what happens to a person when they die, but the scientiific community is taking notice to near death experiences, or NDE's, in which people have very spiritual experiences that are either very positive, or very negative when they die or nearly die. Previously thought to have been just random thoughts going through ones brain right before death, now scientists are saying that there are some striking similar things regarding the NDE experiences, though not one of them are exactly the same. Today, we will have Kevin Zadai, who says he died on a surgery table, and had an encounter with God, and he understood the Holy Bible so much better from that moment on because God was confirming and illuminating scripture in his Near Death Experience. Let's find out the details,
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Rapper: He almost dies and comes to Jesus. Aaron Livers full show with Anh Le
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about Famous Rap Stars lifestyles, and if what they are rapping about is just entertainment? Or are they rapping about something they are really experiencing in their lives. Rap music originated in the Southern Bronx of New York in 1973, and today, it is a genre of music that one of the most popular genres of music listened to. But what these rappers are talking about, is it just made up stuff to entertain you? Or are they talking about real things they did and things that happened to them? Well, today, we will have Aaron LIvers, who was a drug dealer in Baltimore, who also was making rap in order to fuel more popularity with his lifestyle, and all of it was about drugs, women, and money. Today, he is going to talk to us about how this happened for him, and that ultimately, though he had so much, it was all nothing compared to his experience with Jesus. Want to find out if Jesus is real? Let's find out what Jesus did for him.
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Abuse victim: She was tortured by her stepmother. Gina Gomez full show with Anh Le
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how easy it is to grow up to hate God due to extreme horrible situations that happen in life. All of us can live through very difficult situations, and when our eyes see horrible things, it can be tempting to not believe in the existence of God. I mean, how can a loving God allow for bad things to happen? If God was real, maybe those bad things would have never happened to me. Today, we are going to hear from Gina Gomez, who was literally tortured by her stepmother in abuse, but she was forced to keep it secret her whole life, and later on in life, she didn't believe in God but rather sought out what the devil could do for her. Until Jesus revealed himself to her in a real way and brought healing into her life.
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Former drug dealer: He got into gangs at 13. Herman Mendoza full show with Anh Le
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the drug problem in New York City, where cocaine traffickers are moving tons of kg of cocaine throughout NY, and it is a very big business with so much money in it. There are Columbian, Dominican, and Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations or DTO's operating in NY, and much of the drugs coming through NY are imported from these organizations. But can someone from one of these DTO's have a changed life in Jesus Christ? Well, today we will have Herman Mendoza who was part of one of these organizations early on in his life, and then got out of it and later on became an assistant pastor. We are going to hear his wild story, as he tells all what he went through as a young teenager. Herman, welcome to the show.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how most people in this world are seeking confidence, and even Forbes magazine talks about confidence as if it were a superpower. Is Confidence the most valuable asset someone can attain in life? And what happens when someone becomes too self confident? Today we will have Josh Hitt, who is a young man who grew up with many amazing physical talents and abilities that gave him such a huge confidence, that he could walk into any situation and he believed he could figure it out. However, he is going to talk about his personal experience how self confidence alone failed him, and how he discovered faith in Christ as a young man changed his life for the better.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Former New Age: He experienced demons. Steven Bancarz full show with Anh Le
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about parapsychology, which is where people get into the study of esoteric things, and its all part of studying psychics and paranormal activity. You know, many people are getting into new age, and practicing acts like Lucid dreaming, seances, astroprojection, which are all things that are mentioned in scripture for mankind not to engage in. But what happens when someone doesn't listen, and they go down that pathway. Today, you will hear from Steven Bancarz, who made hundrends of thousands of dollars being a teacher and experiencer in parapsychology, and was a youtube influencer in these practices, until he found the original root of it, that today he says is completely demonic. Let's lean in and understand why he came to that conclusion. Steven, welcome to the show.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Former addict: Drugs completely changed him. Eliot Morgan full show with Anh Le
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about how drugs like crystal meth can be so destructive to a person's life, that it completely changes someone from the inside out. Did you know there is quite a popularity with Crystal Methamphetamine's and it is known as the clubbing drug. meaning young and old people take this when they go to the clubs, and the drug causes such a high that lasts sometimes over 12 hours. This drug is a very potent drug, that can be snorted, inhaled through glass pipes, or even injected, and the drug is putting a lot of lives in danger. Today, we will have Eliot Morgan with us, who was born and raised in a Christian family, but then after something traumatic happened, he ended up finding himself in a world of drugs trying to mask the hidden pain in his life. Eliot, welcome to the show.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, In today's testimony we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we are going talking about how some transgenders feel when transitioning to becoming a person of the opposite sex. By the way, listener discretion is advised, as the contents of this show include sexual experiences and mature topics. A Transgender person is someone who feels like they were meant to be the opposite sex. And today, we will have Laura Perry Smalts who will share with us her story of how she was born a woman, but then one day decided she was meant to be a man, and tried to become one by going through transitioning surgeries, and she is going to reveal to us the reality of her experiences that made things so hard for her and she wished she knew before she made those changes. Today, Laura has de-transitioned, and is happily married to a Christian man who they are now happily married. You are probably wondering, how did this happen? Well, Laura, welcome to the show.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
In today's testimony we are going to talk about the idea of atheists becoming Christians, and does it ever really happen. The short answer is, yes, and did you know that conversions are beginning to increase over those who are forsaking their faith? We are going to hear from Ronald Dabdoub (dabdoo) how he forsook his childhood faith and became an atheist when he was a young child, but then as the problems of life gripped him, he began to wonder if there was a God or not, and if so, would this God help him? Let's find out what this former atheist discovered in his life journey. Ronald, welcome to the show.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Former addict: Drugs entrapped him. Luke Thompson full show with Anh Le
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
In today's testimony we will be talking about the epidemic of the addiction to prescription level opioids, and what it is doing in our society, and what it does to an individual life. Now, you wouldn't think a pain killer would be anything dangerous, but painkillers now are being used in an illegal way in society because of the power of this drug to activate the reward or pleasure centers of the brain. This drug is a serious problem because as someone becomes addicted to the high these pain killers provide, it can lead to addiction despite the consequences of the behaviors used in order to get that next high. The reason why it is so dangerous is because of the unusual overdose numbers that happen with opioid addiction. Today, we will have Luke Thompson, who started smoking marijuana, but then eventually got hooked onto prescription drugs, that he would do anything and everything to get his hands on the next high. But instead, today he is a Christian who says that Jesus set him free from his crave and need for these opioids. Luke, welcome to the show.